
Corporate Fitness Trainers in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ajman

Corporate Fitness Programs from ptpeople.com can help your company staff energy levels soar!

We all know happy, healthy employees are the backbone of any successful organization.


That’s where corporate wellness comes in, and ptpeople.com is your one-stop shop to make it happen

Table of Contents

Why is Workplace Fitness Important?

Think beyond gym memberships. Corporate wellness is a holistic approach to employee well-being, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and financial health. 

Fitness = Productive Employees


Our trainers reduced stress of hundreds of office employees, increased their energy levels, and improved focus lead to a more productive and engaged workforce.



Regular Gym Sessions = Lower Healthcare Costs


Our group PT’s have learnt healthy employees take fewer sick days and utilize healthcare resources less frequently.



Group Personal Training = Improved Retention


By investing in your employees’ well-being you can hire one or more of our personal trainers, so you create a positive work environment that fosters loyalty and reduces turnover.

Motivational fitness instructor leading a high-energy corporate bootcamp in Dubai. (This describes the instructor and class atmosphere, uses the location "Dubai" and the keyword "corporate fitness programs", and emphasizes the engaging nature of the programs).

Latest Office Fitness Facts:

Increased Productivity and Focus:


Studies have shown that incorporating short bursts of physical activity throughout the workday can significantly improve cognitive function and focus. This can lead to increased productivity and better problem-solving skills for employees.

Reduced Stress and Improved Mood:


Office work can be sedentary and stressful. Regular exercise, even simple stretches or desk yoga, has been shown to reduce stress hormones, improve mood, and combat feelings of fatigue. A happier and more relaxed workforce is likely to be more engaged and collaborative.

Lower Healthcare Costs:


Encouraging a culture of office fitness can lead to a healthier workforce. This can translate to fewer sick days, lower healthcare costs for companies, and reduced worksite injuries associated with prolonged sitting.

Your Trainers for Workplace Wellness

We go beyond simply connecting you with gyms! We’re your partner in crafting a smart training program tailored to your company’s needs. 


Here are some ideas to get you started:



Dubai Workplace Fitness Classes

From on-site yoga to lunchtime bootcamps, get your employees moving and energized!


Ajman Health Screenings 

Proactive health checks can identify potential issues early and empower employees to manage their health.


Abu Dhabi Nutrition Workshops

Help employees make informed food choices with educational seminars on healthy eating practices.


Sharjah Stress Management Programs

Offer mindfulness training, meditation sessions, or on-site massage therapy to combat workplace stress.


Financial Wellness Resources: 

Provide workshops or access to financial advisors to help employees manage their finances effectively.

Employees in Dubai using on-site fitness facilities offered through their corporate wellness program. (This describes the benefit of on-site facilities, uses the location "Dubai" and the keyword "corporate fitness programs", and highlights a specific program offering).

Employee Wellness Programs with our Personal Group Trainers

The benefits of PTpeople.com corporate fitness programs extend far beyond the list above. 



Here are some additional advantages:



Stronger Employer Brand

Our Fitness instructors demonstrate our commitment to employee well-being and attract top talent with a company that cares.



Improved Team Building with Working Out

Gym activities can foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among employees.



Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

A healthy and happy workforce is more likely to think creatively and solve problems effectively, That why choosing the right health coach is important.

Stress-reducing corporate fitness program in Dubai featuring a meditation session. (This describes a specific program offering, uses the location "Dubai" and the keyword "corporate fitness programs", and focuses on the holistic approach to employee well-being).

Types of Employee Fitness Programs in Dubai

On Site Personal Trainer Programs

We offer fitness classes, health screenings, workshops, and other activities directly in your workplace.


Off Site Fitness Programs

We provide employees with gym memberships or discounts at nearby fitness facilities.



Digital Wellness Programs: 

We guide you to online resources like fitness apps, nutrition coaching platforms, and mental health resources.


Happy and productive employees celebrate achieving their fitness goals together in a Dubai corporate program. (This describes the positive outcome, uses the location "Dubai" and the keyword "corporate fitness programs", and emphasizes the program's effectiveness).

ptpeople.com: FAQs - Corporate Fitness Programs UAE

What is Power Wellness and how does it help my company?


Power Wellness is a comprehensive approach to employee well-being, going beyond just gym memberships. ptpeople.com connects you with a variety of providers, including Exos, HealthFitness, FitOn, Fitbit, and Wellstep – all offering programs tailored to your company’s needs. 



We create a Office Staff Fitness programs that:



  • Boosts employee health and happiness.
  • Reduces stress and improves focus.
  • Lowers healthcare costs for your company.
  • Increases employee retention.


Do I need a Dubai gym membership for Power Wellness?


Not necessarily! While access to gyms (like FitOn) can be part of the program, Power Wellness is about much more. 



We offer a variety of options, including:



On-site fitness classes: Yoga, bootcamps, or anything your team enjoys! (Exos, HealthFitness)

Health screenings: Early detection of health issues keeps employees well. (Wellstep)

Wellness workshops: Nutrition, stress management, and more! (FitOn)

Fitness challenges: Boost team spirit and healthy competition. (Fitbit)

Digital wellness resources: Fitness apps, healthy recipes, and mindfulness tips. (Fitbit, FitOn)




What are FitPros and how can they help my Office Staff in Abu Dhabi?


FitPros are certified fitness professionals like those at Exos and HealthFitness. They can:


Lead on-site fitness classes tailored to your employee’s needs.

Provide personalized coaching on nutrition and exercise.

Design custom fitness challenges for your team.




How can I track employee progress with PT People?


We use programs like Fitbit and Wellstep offer wearable technology to track employee activity levels, sleep patterns, and other health metrics. This allows for data-driven adjustments to the program and helps employees see their progress.



Are there resources for small businesses with limited budgets?


Absolutely! We understand every company is unique. ptpeople.com works with a variety of providers to offer customizable programs for all sizes and budgets. 


We can also suggest budget-friendly options like:


Free online resources: Many websites offer free fitness classes and wellness tips.

Walking challenges: Encourage employees to explore the city on foot during breaks.

Desk stretches: Simple exercises to combat stiffness throughout the workday.



How can ptpeople.com help me get started with my Company in Dubai?


We do all the heavy lifting! Here’s how ptpeople.com simplifies your journey:


Consultation: We discuss your company’s size, budget, and employee demographics.

Program Design: We work with you to create a customized Power Wellness program.

Provider Matching: We connect you with the best providers for your specific needs.

Implementation Support: We help you launch and manage your program effectively.


Invest in your employees' health! Explore Dubai's corporate fitness programs to boost productivity. (This uses a strong call to action, uses the location "Dubai" and the keyword "corporate fitness programs", and highlights the potential business benefit).

6 Fitness Devices & Apps to Help Get Your Office Workplace Fit:



This popular wearable tracks steps, sleep, activity intensity, and heart rate. It also offers fitness challenges and social features to motivate colleagues and create a fun competitive atmosphere.



Apple Watch/Samsung Galaxy Watch: 


These smartwatches offer similar features to Fitbit, with additional functionalities like built-in GPS, music storage, and contactless payments. Many fitness apps integrate seamlessly with these watches, making them convenient for tracking workouts and activity throughout the day.



FitOn App: 


This app provides a vast library of on-demand fitness classes, ranging from yoga and HIIT to strength training and mindfulness sessions. Employees can choose workouts based on their fitness level and available time, making it perfect for quick lunchtime or after-work routines.



Peloton App: 


Similar to FitOn, Peloton offers a diverse selection of on-demand fitness classes, including cycling workouts (their core offering), running, yoga, and more. While requiring a subscription, the app provides a high-quality, instructor-led experience that can be done at home or in the office with a stationary bike or other fitness equipment.



Resistance Bands: 


These versatile and portable tools offer a variety of exercises for strength training, improving flexibility, and building core stability. They’re a budget-friendly option for group office workouts or individual routines at the desk.



Standing Desks: 


While not a “device” in the traditional sense, standing desks are a great way to encourage movement throughout the workday. They can help reduce back pain, improve posture, and even boost productivity. You can find adjustable standing desks or desk converters that work on top of existing desks.

What our clients say


Jerry Wooton
Huge thanks to ptpeople.com! My son absolutely loves his boxing program we found through them. It's a fantastic way to keep him active, disciplined, and having fun.
Sandy Markham
Let me tell you, ptpeople.com is a game-changer! They connected me with a phenomenal female boxing coach who totally empowered me. I feel stronger and more confident after just a month of training.
Hasan Khan
ptpeople.com is the best! They found me the perfect boxing coach in Abu Dhabi, and my fitness level has skyrocketed. Plus, I've shredded some serious weight!
Micheal. K
ptpeople.com for the win! My coach is amazing, and I'm already learning proper technique. Feeling fantastic and ready to keep punching!
Meena, Y
Project manager
Big shoutout to ptpeople.com! They hooked me up with a fantastic boxing & MMA trainer in Ras al Khaimah. It's the most fun way to get in shape and relieve stress – highly recommend it!

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